WLinkedIn_logo_initialshether you like it or not, LinkedIn is a social media force to be reckoned with. Don’t believe me? Check out these statistics:

350 million+ users
187 million+ unique visitors per month
40% of users check their profile daily
17 minutes is the average time a user spends on LinkedIn per month

Few, if any, of our websites see activity like that. Could you imagine what it would be like to receive 187 millions hits on your website every day? How about if you could get your visitors to sit on your site for up to 17 minutes per month? Not likely, right? But what we can do is leverage LinkedIn for our personal benefit. Let me share with you 7 ways to make sure that your LinkedIn profile is gaining the right exposure.

  1. The Title – Be specific and understandable. Don’t get creative.
  2. The Headline – Include keywords as to what you do and how you provide value.
  3. The Summary – Include your unique value proposition and key client achievements. Don’t write a resume but instead tell a story.
  4. The Skills – Include all skills you possess which relate to career, and benefit your client.
  5. The Content – Post content relevant to your company, your position, and your clients. Keep it interesting.
  6. The Image – Include a current, professional picture. And make sure all content posted is professional as well.
  7. The Invitation – Invite all past colleagues, friends, customers, and partners to connect. Make sure you are building relationships, not seeking transactions.

Hopefully following those steps will help you to build the ultimate LinkedIn profile, and leverage the amazing statistics I shared above to benefit your business. Those 7 items were taken from The LinkedIn Sales Pro™, a course I have created to help business professionals build the ultimate LinkedIn profile and create valuable LinkedIn relationships. If you’d like to learn more about that course, and receive a couple of FREE downloads from that course, just click the link below.


I hope you really do use these. I’ve made LinkedIn a huge part of my marketing plan, and YOU SHOULD TOO!