“Helping people succeed is my single passion in business. Whether working one on one to set and exceed goals or growing a business through business development and performance improvement strategies, I believe I have what it takes.”
The short version of this story is that through crazy risks, deep heartaches, and immense support, the business I started with $500 to my name is now providing for a family of four in Orange County. I walk the talk I give to my clients. But many want to know more, so here goes.
In November of 2011, my wife and I decided that it was time to start my own business. The problem was that we had $500 to our name and my wife stayed home with our then 9yo and 2yo daughters. But after much thought and prayer, we went for it anyway.
By late 2013, I hit my stride. I was training groups of 5-500, I was consulting a couple of really cool companies, and a dozen or so individuals called me coach.
In June of 2015, I was offered a wonderful opportunity to lead a client’s sales team. I went all-in to the world of healthcare and loved learning all the ways to make a difference.
My life changed on October 1, 2017. You can read of my complete reflection below but the short version is that we lost a dear friend and were forever changed. That experience called into question a few things I hadn’t considered in quite some time. Was the professional life I was living aligned with what mattered most to me and what I felt called to?
7 months later (May 2018), with a deep conviction, I walked into my boss’ office and resigned my role. And to be honest, much like the time I first started, I had very little to fall back on and nothing sure ahead. Thankfully, within days of making that news public, I was back doing the very thing I was called to do all along.
I coach high performers (and aspiring ones too), helping them to achieve all that they want out of life and business.
I consult industry leaders, creating strategic sales and marketing plans, developing leaders, and ensuring great culture.
I also host The Exsellence Mindset podcast.