There is so much power in proper planning and strategic thinking. Too often I speak with sales people who do not have a plan, and many times it’s because the company they represent do not have a plan themselves. When we try and simplify a complex process like selling, we set ourselves up for failure.
So what will it take to be a successful salesperson? If I could sum that up in a single word, I would be a genius. But I do have 10 tools that I believe are necessary to make any sales person successful.
For clients of RJM Professional, this can be delivered in two primary ways.
The first is the “Full Suite”, a one on one program in which we build and customize a sales strategy for your business (this will involve other areas of your business as well). This is very personal and no two clients get the same deliverable.
The “10 Tools for Sales Success” Full Suite ($10,000 value)
– Over 40 hours of consulting, instruction, and support
– Customized 10 Tools to your business and needs – see overview below
– A complete manual to maintain and build on during this process and for years to come
– Access to all RJM sales trainings and webinars
– This process will typically be completed over 3 months
– More clients!
The second is the “Web Series”, a web-based program in which we give you the necessary framework and practical information to build and customize a sales strategy for your business.
The “10 Tools for Sales Success” Web Series ($500 value)
– Ten individual web sessions typically lasting forty five minutes to one hour
– Practical application for each topic that you can put into practice immediately
– Worksheets related to each session
– Access to additional webinars
– More clients!
If you would like more information on getting started, email